Blogger Vs WordPress Comparison: Which One Should I Use?

WordPress and Blogger are two well established content publishing platforms. “Should I use Blogger or WordPress for my new site?”, is a frequently asked question from newbies. This comparison post will help you answer that question.
Blogger vs WordPress

My recommendation is WordPress – this is why

I have experienced many wonderful benefits achieved by having my own site and this has made an amazing difference for me in my life. There is a great value in building your own online presence and growing your audience. Having the complete control, ownership and freedom over your site is why I pick WordPress as my preferred content platform.
Blogger is a nice and easy to use platform, but it just doesn’t cut it in terms of flexibility and customization. That is where WordPress excels. Over 60 million people have chosen it to power their sites and use it to create a wide range of beautiful and impressive sites. Majority of the biggest sites run on this platform. I run all my projects on WordPress.
For beginners there is a bit of confusion surrounding WordPress so let’s clarify that first. There are two WordPress versions: the self-hosted and hosted. Like in Blogger vs WordPress, the difference between the two WordPress versions is like owning or renting a house. The self-hosted WordPress is where you actually own your house (you own your site) and this is the recommended version. If you want the full run down on the differences between the two versions, click here.
Self-hosted WordPress needs a domain name and a web server space to work. A domain name is the address people will type to access your site, and the hosting server is where you will store your content and files making it all accessible to anyone in the world. For the easiest possible install of a WordPress, I recommend Bluehost. It is simple to use, offers a free domain name, an affordable hosting account with unlimited space and is officially recommended by WordPress. Click on the image below to get the process started

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