Blogs and Money-Making


Blogs and Money-Making

Blogging is more popular than ever these days and its one of the most profitable advertising markets next to social networking websites. Blogs have the distinct benefit of being absolutely loved by search engine bots and offering easy link-back opportunities in the form of comment posts. Blogs are devilishly easy to update and customize and since they require very little maintenance they can be very inexpensive. Some very popular and very profitable websites are created only with blog software. The beauty of the software is that you can customize it to the point where it doesnt look like just a blog.Blogs are one of the most powerful tools an internet marketer has today.
One of the primary ways of profiting from blogs is through ad programs like Googles AdSense. This only makes sense if you have a lot of traffic so getting clicks is the absolute key.
Another way to make even more money is to charge for direct advertising space. This bypasses Googles commission although it does make it a bit harder to get advertisers in the first places. Affiliate linking is also a great way of bringing in income. Instead of directly using your blog for advertising revenue you provide affiliate advertisement in the form of blog posts; you use a special link with a reference number that will give you a percentage of the profit if the person who used the link buys the product (You set these up with your affiliate websites). Of course how much money youll ultimately make on any advertising paradigm depends on a number of factors.
You have to consider how popular your blog is, how many link backs you have and how many daily visitors you get. Your popularity, daily visitors and link backs depend ultimately on the overall value of your blog, which is controlled by the quality relevancy of your blog posts. So, as you can see, writing a good and effective blog goes hand-in-hand with using your blog to make money.  
A crummy, ill-formatted blog will not get you any daily visitors and with no daily visitors youre useless to any advertisers or affiliates. In this book well not only go over the various ways you can create income from blogs but we’ll talk about how to make high-quality, easily manageable blogs that attract visitors

NEXT CLASS IS Effective Blog Writing

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